Footballers' hairstyles in World At Your Feet

Trends and fashions come and go in football as they do in every aspect of society.

World At Your Feet illustrator Lawerta has captured many of these trends in the book. You'll see close attention to detail paid to changing styles of shirts, boots, balls and, of course, hair.

The book features goals from 1958 to 2014. There were some dramatic changes in the hairdos of choice during that period of time, and you'll see those reflected on our pages.

Roberto Baggio's divine ponytail, the mullets of the late-1980s and early-1990s and the alice bands of the mid-2000s are among the styles featured.

Receding hairlines, sensible side-partings and hipster reinterpretations of those sensible side-partings also make the cut.

Footballers hairstyles

You probably won't buy the book on the strength of the hairstyles featured alone, but it's another example of the history and fashion of football captured in Lawerta's stunning illustrations.

Click here to buy World At Your Feet

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