
 Cookie name What It Does
MCPopupClosed Stops our email marketing popup from appearing for a suitable period of time after you've closed it.
_ga Allows our Google Analytics to function so we can see how people are finding and using the website.
Allows our Google Analytics to function so we can see how people are finding and using the website.
Allows our Google Analytics to function so we can see how people are finding and using the website.
_landing_page Allows us to create landing pages via Mailchimp.
_orig_referrer Used in relation to our Shopify shopping cart.
_s Allows our Shopify Analytics to function so we can see how people are interacting with our website.
Allows our Shopify Analytics to function so we can see how people are interacting with our website.
Allows our Shopify Analytics to function so we can see how people are interacting with our website.
Allows our Shopify Analytics to function so we can see how people are referred our website.
Allows our Shopify Analytics to function so we can see how people are referred our website.
Allows our Shopify Analytics to function so we can see how people are interacting with our website.
Allows our Shopify Analytics to function so we can see how people are interacting with our website.
amazon-pay-abtesting-new-widgets Allows you to pay via Amazon Pay.
Used in relation to our Shopify checkout process.
currency Ensures our Shopify site serves in the correct currency.





Manages our cookies acceptance message.


Enables customer account logins.


Controls the parameters for use of the other cookies.